Monday, August 5, 2024

Leftover Sharons


“And all ate and were filled; and they took up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve baskets full.” – Matthew 14:20


In The Feast app, the reflection question for today’s reading was: “Why do you think there was more food left over after the feeding of the crowd?” In my quiet time after my usual morning prayers, I was intrigued by this question. It was not something that is usually highlighted in the story about the Feeding of the 5000.


I was clueless. I couldn’t figure out why the Lord would multiply more than what was needed. I wondered what they did with the leftovers. The bible didn’t say.


Then I had a funny thought. If the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes happened in the Philippines, I know what will happen to the leftovers. They would immediately be “sharon”-ed, all twelve baskets of them.


Last year, at a family party, I was amused when my sister-in-law said she just found out what “sharon” meant. She said this when I asked for some plastic tubs to pack food for Papa and my son who were left at home. For those who are still clueless about what “sharon” means, it’s a term for wrapping leftover food from parties. It was coined from the line “balutin mo ako" from the hit single “Bituing Walang Ningning” sung by Sharon Cuneta.


Then it hit me. Maybe that’s why there were leftovers. Maybe it was so people can take some for their journey back home. After all, people had come from far away to follow Jesus to that deserted place. Maybe they also took some home to the families they left behind – not just to feed them but to share the miracle.  


Knowing that our God is a God of abundance and overflowing grace, the twelve baskets of leftovers made more sense to me. It’s comforting to know that when we are in need, God can and will give us more than we ask for or imagine.


“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think...” – Ephesians 3:20