Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday Through the Eyes of a Solo Parent


Mary has many titles. Mother of God. Queen of Heaven. Mediatrix of all Grace. Our Lady of Sorrows. Solo Parent.

Knowing that she was also a solo parent when Good Friday rolled around, I feel her pain doubled. To see her only and most precious son suffer is already untold grief for any mother. But to go through His Passion without Joseph to share her grief must have been unbearable.

At the Presentation of Jesus in the temple, when Simeon foretold a sword will pierce her soul, Joseph was there. He was there to protect her and her son on the journey to Egypt. He was there with her to look for Him when He was lost in Jerusalem. He was there as Jesus grew into a man. But Joseph was no longer there when she met her son on his way to Calvary. The sword must have pierced deeper.

It cuts a mother deep when her child suffers even just a bit. I remember I couldn’t bear the sight of my son getting his ingrown toenail extracted. I had to avert my eyes during the procedure. And that was just a toenail. It would have been better if his dad was there to hold one of my hands as I held his small hand with the other.

Imagine Mary seeing her son scourged, crowned with thorns, driven through the streets carrying a heavy cross, then crucified. As a solo mom, I stand beneath the cross and weep with her.

Even when He was suffering on the cross Jesus still had Mary’s “solo-ness” in mind. It prodded Him to entrust her to John. “Woman, behold your son. Behold your mother.”

God did that to me too and keeps doing it to this day by entrusting me to people who will care for me and my children. He gave me my parents, other family members, friends, and my prayer warriors in my community. So, I continue to trust Jesus in my Good Fridays because the crucified Christ loves us with the cross. That trust is needed from us because…

 “God who created you without you will not save you without you.” – St. Augustine

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