Tuesday, July 11, 2023



“A demoniac who could not speak was brought to Jesus, and when the demon was driven out the mute man spoke.” - Matthew 9:32-38


Today, I would like to thank the Lord for the gift of WORDS. For the ability to speak them and for the facility to write them.


Many times, we take this gift for granted. Imagine what it would be like if you become mute. How will you tell people your thoughts? How will you ask for help? How will you go about your daily life without the ability to communicate?


And many more times, we forget just how powerful our words are. They can crush dreams or build them. They can break hearts or fill them with joy. OUR WORDS HAVE THE ABILITY TO AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE.


So let us reflect on how we use words. Have we expressed love for our family, or have we demeaned them? Have we posted something on social media that spreads hope/knowledge, or have we bashed/spread fake news about someone we don’t even know personally?


And to the Marites (me included) and Tolits out there, do we really have to know and spread the latest???!!!


Whenever I feel a nasty comment or a gossip itching to escape my tongue, I try to recall the tale of the “Feathers in the Wind”. The story reminds me that once the contents of the feather pillow are scattered to the wind, it will be extremely hard to gather them all back. Such are our words.

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