Saturday, May 4, 2024

Guardian Angels Among Us


Confederate Rose: A Tribute to Our Guardian Angels

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7


Several weeks ago, my 93-year-old father had a fall which, for someone his age, could’ve have been grave or even fatal. But that day, I firmly believe our guardian angels intervened.


My elder son Jaffy and I made plans to take Papa out so he can exercise. Jaffy suggested for us to walk along the streets near our house. We would then walk back home to get the car and head off to our favorite coffee shop for breakfast.


But I had been experiencing pain on my foot on and off, so I suggested we walk in our village park instead so I can sit on the benches if my foot acts up. Besides, it was almost Holy Week and the Stations of the Cross were set up in the park. Papa and I can meander along the path and reflect while Jaffy takes a brisker walk around. That was my plan.


But Papa had walked just several steps from the car into the park when he declared he was tired. Jaffy decided to just push him in his rollator while I take my walk. I hadn’t gone far when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Papa being thrown from his rollator! The wheel had hit a crack in the cemented walkway and his rollator folded hurling him headlong on the path.


Checking on his condition, I immediately envisioned our guardian angels cushioning his fall, gently setting him down on the ground and preventing him from hitting the cement. What else could it have been aside from divine intervention? Papa had no concussion, no broken bones, just some bruises, a few minor cuts, and shallow gashes on his knees. Of course, we had quite a scare and he looked banged-up for a couple of weeks but all in all, we felt so blessed and protected.


By coincidence, or I’d rather call it God-incidence, I had just started a painting as a tribute to our guardian angels. I have a small booklet (Prayers to My Guardian Angel) under my pillow which I include in my morning prayers. With it I pray not only to my angel but also to my children’s as well as the whole family’s guardians. Since my children were small there have been quite a number of times, as a solo mom, I was made aware of their guidance and protection. Thus my special connection to them.

Then, several Sundays ago, a guest priest spoke to the congregation about guardian angels. It inspired me to paint angels in a flower as a tribute to our heavenly friends. I feel Papa’s being saved from great harm in the park was them saying, “Yes, we’re always here. You’re welcome.”


1 comment:

  1. I have always believed in guardian angels. Truly an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing :)
