wine must be poured into new wineskins.” – Luke 5:38
is something I enjoy doing. It is also my small way of giving back the glory to
God for all His blessings. But these past few years, it has taken a back seat
to other interests. I only blog diligently to journal my travels abroad.
21 of QuaRetreat, Bro Arun and Sis Lallaine Gogna’s nightly quarantine retreat
on FB Live, gave me something to think about. These are the things they said
that pricked my sleeping passion:
your gadget is not working properly, you reset it so it will function very well.
In this lockdown, the Lord is resetting the world, even us. Do you know what it
is the Lord is changing in you? There’s something there that you don’t see. When
this lockdown happened, you saw it in a different angle. The Lord is changing us.
The Lord is showing us something we need to reset.”
Arun added this prayer: “I pray you say yes to God and press the reset button.”
talk stirred the waters. I thought about my blogs. I have 3 – My B.A.G. of
Miracles, Happy Faith and Happy Fit & Fab. The first two were unfocused and
I somehow “lost” them. (Read more about that in Start Here of this blog.) Days
after that fateful talk, I began to research, to refocus, to redesign and more
importantly to repurpose my blogs. As I did these, excitement to write again
gripped me. The clearer focus for each blog filled my head to overflowing with
ideas of the things I wanted to write about. These are the new directions my
blogs will be taking:
- Happy Solo Faith will be dedicated to solo parents.
I performed surgery on my old blogs to cut out its heart for solo parents and
transplanted it here. My aim is to make it a survival guide for them.
Hero Independent Parents 2019 Retreat
(Photo from HIP FB page)
- Happy Feet & Travel B.A.G. is a new blog that
will be launched very soon. It will be dedicated to travel, what else 😊 This was a
segment of my old blogs and given its own home. It will feature more than my
previous travel logs. This is exciting me no end. How excited? I’m writing a
blog post and already ideas for two or three more articles are already knocking...no
make that pounding…on the door. That excited!
Marian Pilgrimage 2019
- Happy Fit & Fab has always been clearly focused
on fitness but this lockdown prompted me to make the focus more defined and reboot
it into a fitness and fabness blog for people over fifty. (So, when I reach
that age, I’ll know what to do hahaha)
Sun Warrior with Walis for the creative yogi under lockdown
Lord, I’ve pressed the reset button.
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