Sunday, March 5, 2023

Glimpse of Glory


Lenten Reflection #9

“Beloved: bear your share of the hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.” – 2 Timothy 1:8

 “There will be a moment of pain, but only a moment, then we shall be home in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ forever.” This was a line from Paul, Apostle of Christ said by St. Luke to his co-prisoners who were to be fed to the lions.

 The early Christians literally gave their lives for following Christ. What must have given them courage and hope was not just the thought Jesus was waiting for them but the vision of the Resurrection. It was the same for Peter, James and John in today’s gospel. They were given a glimpse of Jesus’ glory at the Transfiguration to sustain them through the Crucifixion until the Resurrection.

Today, most of us are lucky we are not called to die for our faith. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to die a little when we make sacrifices for the people we love and the community we serve. This Lent, when it feels your sacrifices and troubles are too much to bear, let your mind dwell on what’s going to happen on Easter. And pray to be given the courage of the early Christian martyrs. 

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