Thursday, August 17, 2023

Spirit Over Mind


“…the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues…” – Acts 19:6

In my book The Happy Solo Kit (Tools and Supplies You Need to Survive Solo Parenting without Losing Your Marbles), there’s a section I called “Terrible Teens”. Like I said there, teens are more terrible than twos. It is at this stage when children develop their own minds and start thinking they know better than their parents.

It’s very difficult to give them your opinion about how to live their lives because they would always counter with a different take. Always!

But I remember one time when my elder son, then in high school, was heartbroken, and he asked to meet me in front of our church to talk. I wanted to help him but was already half-expecting his usual kontrapelo (going against the grain) reactions. So, on my way to the church, I sent up a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit for wisdom.

Our conversation was going the usual But-Mom-that’s-not-how-it-is way until he asked a difficult question. I didn’t know how to answer, but as I opened my mouth the words just flowed. Surprisingly, he quietly accepted the wisdom I was spouting. I knew then it was the Holy Spirit at work. Those words did not come from me as I felt clueless before I began.

So, Terrible Teens or Terrible Twos or whatever terrible stage our children are in, it always helps to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in our parenting journey.

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