Thursday, August 24, 2023

Questioning God


“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” – John 20:29


“Why didn’t You heal her when it was in Your power to do so?” This is a heart wrenching question to God from a friend who lost her mother during the pandemic.


Do you have questions like that? Do you have questions about your faith? Is it wrong to question God? What do we do when we have doubts? Will God get angry when we doubt?


Although Jesus rebuked Thomas for his unbelief, He did not hit him with a lightning bolt in anger. Instead, Jesus appeared to the apostles again that Thomas may see for himself. Jesus accepted Thomas’ humanity to search for answers as He also accepts ours. As the priest said in his homily on the feast of St. Thomas: “Our questions are doors that open to a deeper faith.”


When children are small, they ask endless questions. Mine did and it sometimes drove me crazy. It’s a good thing God has all the patience in the world for His children’s questions. He even points us to where we can get answers – the bible, our spiritual leaders, our brothers and sisters in the community, even in His creations. So, ask away. After all, “The ability to ask questions is the greatest resource in learning the truth.” (Carl Jung)


On another note, our children accept our answers as Gospel truth even if sometimes they don’t fully comprehend the explanation because they trust us. And this is also the attitude of trust we should take in our questioning. We may not understand what is happening to us. We may not get the answer right away or not even in this lifetime but TRUST in the Lord’s perfect plan.


These lines from the song Trust His Heart by Babbie Mason give me assurance when I have questions and doubts: “When you don’t see His plan, when you can’t trace His hand, trust His heart.”

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